8 Tips for Starting Online Middle School and High School
byBob Engler
5 min to readThat’s a fairly typical question for parents and students who are trying to learn more about how to start online school. Thankfully, there are proven ways to solve the challenges of getting started and ensuring students get the most out of their distance-learning experience.
Some of the best tips for virtual learning come from online Learning Coaches—the adults who mentor, guide, and encourage their students and are willing to share what worked for them. Here are some of their suggestions to help prepare your student for remote-learning success:
Get Ready...
Thriving through a change is tough but doable with a positive attitude. Start developing a motivated, optimistic outlook early on. It will carry through the school year, nourish your student’s personal growth, and set them up for success in life.
Tip 1: Encourage Positive Thinking.
A can-do attitude is the foundation of physical, mental, and emotional health, which are essential to academic achievement. One way to encourage positive thinking is to show your student what it looks like. Seeing is believing, so model positive thinking in your day-to-day activities for your student to observe.
Tip 2: Motivate Your Student.
Another tip for virtual students is to give them ownership in preparing for the school year. Letting them have a say in setting schedules and establishing expectations empowers them and encourages self-motivation. Finding inspiration from within to complete a task produces a sense of personal reward. Internal motivation—also called intrinsic motivation—builds on itself to become a long-term driver for accomplishment.
Tip 3: Set Personal Goals.
SMART is an acronym for setting goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely. Setting goals and deadlines encourages students to focus on what they are trying to achieve. School tips for setting SMART goals are: Establish milestones toward achievement to measure progress. Talk with your student about what goals are realistic and achievable. Is the goal relevant—and sufficiently challenging—to what you are trying to accomplish? What is your deadline for achieving each milestone and the final goal? Important: Write down the SMART elements for accountability.

Get Set..
While the transition period for school at home may take a few weeks for beginners, successful Connection Academy® families tell us that the rewards are worth the effort.
Tip 4: Dedicate Areas for Learning.
Among the most important tips for school is organizing your online student’s study space. Create a place for everything—books, computer, pens, paper, and other supplies—and keep everything in its place. Label folders by subject for papers and notes. Do the same for computer and email files. Whether your student uses a digital or wall calendar, put family and personal appointments in it. There are also some things you might overlook when creating a learning environment. Don’t skip them. They are important.
Tip 5: Establish a Flexible Routine.
Parents and students often cite the flexibility of learning online as a significant benefit over brick-and-mortar schools. But how to do online school most effectively means establishing a routine and sticking with it. It might take some trial-and-error before settling on a schedule that fits the family. Remember to give your student a say in working out the schedule. A sense of ownership is important to maintaining a positive attitude and staying motivated.

It’s always better to be ahead than to struggle to catch up. Break down big projects into small, manageable parts—and give each one a deadline. Don’t drag your feet; make yourself do things on time and you’ll be better off in the long run.
Here are a few more suggestions to keeping the academics on a track that works. They work equally well for remote learning in middle grades and distance learning in high school.
Tip 6: Make the Most of Your Resources.
Online and blended learners have a wealth of helpful resources to support their learning. Textbooks, the library, online instructional tools, and trusted websites come to mind. But don’t forget your academic support team: experienced Learning Coaches, teachers, school counselors, and principals are great sources of inspiration and information.
Tip 7: Have Fun!
Include time in that flexible routine to turn off the screen and step away from the books. School can be a stressor, and brain breaks and boosters are a good way to let go of tension. They have a ton of other benefits, such as supporting social and emotional growth and improving short-term memory. Adding some physical activity to the daily plan not only keeps kids healthy, but also gives them a chance to burn off energy that accumulates while sitting.
Tip 8: Plan for Success, Prepare for Setbacks.
Getting stumped is part of the education process and can lead to a grade that falls short of expectations. Prepare ahead of time for ways to deal with any negative emotions that can arise from that. In the short-term, it may be worthwhile to let students struggle to see if they get around the roadblock themselves. But be ready to coach them out of the predicament before frustration sets in. A stress-relief kit is a helpful resource if things start to pile up on your student.
These eight tips for digital learning are just a few ways to spark a successful online learning experience. The Connections Academy Resource Hub has dozens more for empowering student success and engagement, building learning skills and personal growth, and navigating the remote-learning curriculum.
You can also register for free virtual events that include presentations by Connections Academy parents and Learning Coaches who share their suggestions for how to do online school. They’ve been where you are and know what it takes to guide students to success in school and whatever lies ahead.